Tuesday, October 19, 2010

30 Days of Truth ~ Day 07 → Someone who has made your life worth living for.

This is an ongoing Blog Hop that you are welcome to join at any time. All you need to do is to jump to the introduction to see how it works. Feel free to right click and save the logo I have above to use, and please, add your blog to the Linky below so that we can read along.  

I am the most grateful for my relationship with Jesus Christ. He knew that during my childhood I would not be taught to turn to him for guidance, that I would be raised in a family that "did Church" on Sunday but didn't know Him. He knew that I'd be tested to the core in my High  School and College years by my family. He knew that I'd marry a man that was a liar and a cheater ... He knew everything, before I really knew Him, and when I needed Him in his life He was there and continues to be there.

The Lord has brought some amazing people in my life, including my first husband who is a liar and cheater. Yes, I did say that he was amazing. I learned so much, and because of my relationship with him I was able to learn some much needed skills. The Lord brought my second husband, Mark, into my life. He gave Mark and I our awesome son David. He also took 2 babies away from us, and while I didn't understand at the time it became clear in 2006 when Mark died so unexpectedly. Last, for now, the Lord surrounded me with the perfect friends for ME.  By no means are any of us perfect, except for each other. Sure, we drive each other nuts, but we balance each other when needed. 

The Lord has plans for me, He has since the day I was born, and He continues to expose it day by day. I might WANT to know the plan now, but He knows what he is doing by not cheating. I live my days for Him and in return He makes life worth living. 

10/18/10 @10:20pm 
I hope you are enjoying this Blog Hop. I realized today that I swapped my Day 6 and my Day 7 due to a posting error on my part, I'll switch them later so they are in the correct order. I encourage comments, even just to let me know you are reading along, or if you want to answer the question for yourself and you don't want to do the full 30 Days of Truth, feel free to enter your response in the corresponding comments.
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