Monday, October 18, 2010

30 Days of Truth ~ Day 06 → Something you hope you never have to do.

This is an ongoing Blog Hop that you are welcome to join at any time. All you need to do is to jump to the introduction to see how it works. Feel free to right click and save the logo I have above to use, and please, add your blog to the Linky below so that we can read along.  

While my answer to this question is easy, it's NOT an easy thing to think about. The reality is, that based on family history, I will most likely have to do IT. That IT is bury my child in his 40's.

I know, it's horrible to think about, and I'm going to do my damnedest to see that it doesn't happen. I've already started having a specialist see him and he'll be followed in the years to come. I'm encouraging him to be healthy in all aspects of his life, while not wanting to scare the living crap out of him at the same time. Nothing worse than having a child hear "Don't eat that" "Don't drink that", you know what happened to your Father, right?

Reality is it also happened to his Grandfather, Great-Grandfather and Great-Uncle, I won't do that to him, so I gently encourage and we don't talk about "IT". He's too young for THAT just yet, but I still worry. I worry that I'll have a daughter-in-law and grandkids that won't have a husband and father. Is that silly? It's not even here yet, but I still have that worry. I don't let him know that, heck ... he won't even tell me the name of the girl he "likes" at school this week. The one that he gave a piece of gum to at school yes, he broke the rules, I'm raising a hellion, because her arm is in a cast. So I don't even entertain THAT discussion, in fact, it's not often that I think about it, but I do. It sucks. It's my reality though.

I hope you are enjoying this Blog Hop. I realized today that I swapped my Day 6 and my Day 7 due to a posting error on my part, I'll switch them later so they are in the correct order. I encourage comments, even just to let me know you are reading along, or if you want to answer the question for yourself and you don't want to do the full 30 Days of Truth, feel free to enter your response in the corresponding comments.

Until next time,


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