Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Serious need of a connection!!

Please help me ...
and all those served by this invaluable resource.

As I mentioned yesterday, the Dougy Center was burned down by a suspected arsonist Sunday night and we NEED to get it rebuilt so the services can continue in place!

Back kitchen Entrance
Fire started in the Recycling/Garbage Bins

Memorial started by the local neighborhood

Windows from the offices

How can you help?

  • I am looking for ANY DIRECT CONNECTION with ABC's Extreme Makeover Home Edition.If you know of anyone that know's of anyone ... PLEASE direct me to them, or them to me! They rebuild houses in a week, it would be great it the Dougy Center could be rebuilt by September!!
  • Dougy Center is also accepting donations. They are a 501(c)(3) Organization and run solely on private contributions. While they have Insurance to replace the building, the "guts" of the program are in the resources that must be replaced; Arts & Crafts Supplies; Dolls; Toys; Books; Paper; Crayons; Paints; stuffed animals; pool tables; ping pong; mats, mats and more mats; and the list goes on. PLUS all the furniture, cooking supplies and office equipment are gone, absolutely everything! Please consider a donation, whatever amount you can spare will help. In Kind Donations will be accepted at a later date, there is no storage available now.
Why do I care so much?
  • The Dougy Center has been an integral part of David's recovery for over a year. I truly feel that it's allowed him to share with others and get out his anger and frustrations in a safe environment. The services are offered free of charge to those that need them and no judgment is made on you, it truly is a fantastic resource.
  • I saw David get angry and yell "Why did someone do this to us?" when we saw the News story. He wants to do what he can to raise money and help
  • I heard a young girl last night say she "will be donating $50 of her money" to rebuilding. Other kids agreed.
  • This resource not only helps families here, but Dougy Center has satellite programs throughout the World and I personally know of people attending in other locations that have the same feelings about this situation as I do. The program is so much more than "counseling" because it's not "counseling", it's peer to peer support.
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