Friday, September 25, 2009

It's Friday night

I've not accomplished much... got some laundry done, watered some plants, weeded a bit (we've got one heck of a pumpkin growing!), that's it. It's all I can do right now.

I'm in survival mode, Tim has been awesome, he always is. Next week would be Marks 45th birthday. I haven't yet asked David what he wants to do for it, he's chosen to have a bowling party the past 3 years for it. I need to get that set this weekend with him, perhaps he'll want to do nothing. That's fine. I really think it's important for him to have the option to acknowledge it if he wants.

I have made a couple decisions that should help us out financially, just have to get them in place. They won't be huge things, but enough to help out here and there. I need to get some dinner ready, it's 8:11pm and I'm finally hungry. Thanks for bearing with me through this, it's all a part of my chaotic life.