Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I have....


I have no idea what the HECK hit me, but I lost 12 days and 8 pounds, which isn't a bad thing, but not the way I recommend doing it.

My child started Middle School during this, I've done my best to be available for him, but it's been tough. He loves his mama time and didn't get any because I didn't want him getting sick.

My King and our roomie have been fantastic in keeping things running here, although I have the incredible urge to scrub this house from top to bottom. I will slowly get it done. (Why is it some men wash laundry but not fold it? I have a pile of laundry that is CRAZY!).

So there it is ... my return to the blogosphere. Not a grand entrance, more like i flopped on the couch... but just wait, life will still happen and you will read more...about the House of Chaos... I do have things to share ... you missed out on the family dinner out (oy vey) and then the one meal I went out for Friday night ... ohhh amongst the illness there is still a story to share, and share i will!