I admit it, I'm a reality TV Junkie, I have my DVR programmed and if I don't watch them all when they air, I catch up during the day.
Tonight the Season Premier of The Amazing Race was aired; the premise of this show is that there are 11 teams of two, they may be friends, partners, teammates; and they have a series of tasks to do as they travel around the world. Each week a Team is eliminated unless they have a non-elimination leg of the race.
I like the show because of the different places they go through, the tasks that they have to do, I love watching how the teams interact with each other, there are lessons to be learned all over.
In tonights episode the Teams ended up in Vietnam, and as the last team of Garrett and Jessica came to the Check In Blanket, they were informed that they were Team 11 and Eliminated. Garrett was visibly angered at this and began to act out. I then witnessed something I've NEVER seen in all the years I've watched this show. The host, Phil Koeghan asked Jessica if he gets angry like this a lot?As she answered "yes" he said "Don't live with him" WOW! It's right here, go see for yourself! He's obviously seen a LOT of people pass through that blanket, and I'm sure has gained much insight into people, relationships and behavior. How TELLING is this though? Unbelievable. I can't wait to see how/if this gets press and if there is any follow-up to it in the future.