Tuesday, August 04, 2009

An amazing tool!!


Have you ever heard of the Magic Bullet Blender?




I purchased this from a friend of mine a couple years ago (she got a 2 for 1 and didn’t need 2). It is used in this household nearly everyday to make everything from Salsa, guacamole… to frozen sorbet! I can’t speak highly enough of it!!




Today I harvested a huge colander full of Basil from our container garden and I knew I wanted to make Pesto and  it for the Winter. For the past couple years I’ve only used what you see in the picture, but I remember seeing the Infomercial this past week and noticing they were juicing w/ a Blender attachment. I suddenly remembered that I HAVE THAT ATTACHMENT!


So tonight I pulled it out of the cabinet, took the Juicer center out and OMGosh I have a Blender with a pestle plunger!! I put ALL the Basil into the blender attachment, added my olive oil, garlic, pepper, salt, pine nuts and parmesan, put the lid on and clicked it into the base. With the pestle I pushed it all down and within a minute, I had PESTO!!


It’s now divided into 2 zipper lock bags, dated and put into a larger freezer bag for us to use this winter.

(Oh, for the record…I did NOT receive a penny from the Magic Bullet people for this, in fact, I need to replace mine soon, anyone have a connection? lol)

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