Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sickie Thursday

So if you follow my Tweets, you might remember that last night I suddenly got hit w/ nausea, puked and went to bed. I had a nasty sinus headache on the right side of my face, took 2 Naproxen, drank a glass of water and went to sleep. Woke up long enough to catch up on Facebook and Twitter (sad huh?), loved on the kiddo and my honey brought me an ice cream sundae w/ Hershey's special Dark syrup, Nutella and sprinkles (can you say YUMMMMM).

This morning kiddo once again woke w/ a nasty cough, the schools aren't wanting "sick kids" there since the Swine Flu outbreak, so he is home and honestly, we're just playing. He's well enough to be there, but they say no, i'm not putting normal "sick day restrictions" on him.

Follow that with my Honey telling me early this am that he was feeling some nausea at work, and around 9:15 he came bolting in the front door and made a bathroom dash. ::sigh::

What did we do to deserve this? It's beautiful out, we're gonna run errands w/ the roomie, drop off tables we borrowed for the garage sale and then go buy plants to put in the garden now that they are looking nice (thanks Roomie for all your hard work out there).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I am so sorry you all are sick =(! My prayers are with you all!!!


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