I'm having a difficult time with this job hunt, not in getting a job, or finding things that I'd enjoy doing (Heck, I'm rather enjoying THAT part of the process), it's the background searches that are killing me.
You see...I have a family history that one would read in a book or see in a movie and say "No WAY that could happen". Seriously, my youngest sister and I have hired a Private Investigator to figure out somethings that just plain didn't make sense and even HE said "you girls need to write a book".
So....here's where my job hunt stands. My HS Diploma is being questioned, not that I didn't graduate HS, but that I went to 3 different High Schools between my Jr. and Sr. year of HS AND my mom and step-dad illegally changed my name in the process, so there is no legal record with any school district that I graduated. Yes, I have a legal diploma with my legal name, but that is NOT the name they registered me as (YES I know this is too weird to be true...but it is true). My mom didn't want my birth father to find us (She basically kidnapped us out of New York) so when she moved us, she automatically registered us all in our Step-Fathers name~which in AZ they accepted without question (she didn't say that he was our step-father nor did she tell them that we weren't adopted~they wouldn't think to ask). The name on my Diploma is my legal name because prior to Graduating I went to the Principal and begged him to put my legal name on the piece of paper, I was figuring out somethings and didn't want my step-fathers name with me forever...
The hardest part of all this, is the Companies that I am looking to get on with, do MAJOR background checks and they want explanations for all these discrepencies...why 3 HS in 2 yrs, why did you suddenly move from NY to AZ, and then from AZ to OR, normal people don't understand how a 21 yr old can be so controlled by their parents (I heard again on the News this am about Stockholm Syndrome~how one being held captive truly believes that their captor is the only thing saving them...I believe it, I lived it)...why do you have 4 last names on record...and I completely understand their need for this information, they don't want to hire a crimminal. The thing is, it's starting to take an emotional toll. I'm 40 years old and I'm having to explain that my mom and step-dad are nuts and were hiding from the law. That's why they moved us from upper class Head of the Harbor to a 700 sq foot cabin in the woods of Prescott AZ. We had a flippin party line phone and were 7 miles out of town...NO ONE was allowed to visit or call, it truly is unbelievable (and once again I say, people have suggested we write a book)...
so here I am now...trying to make a normal life for myself, I've changed so much over the years, I've paid ENORMOUS amounts of $$ to Psychologists and Counselors over the years and gotten myself together and now I'm going through all of it all over again, but at a completely different level. Once again, my flippin wacko parents are having control over my destiny

So...anyone know how to get started writing a book about your screwed up life

Chapter 1.....I was born as Marissa Lynn xxxxxx and life was never the same

sorry for the ramble... I need to get this out...it's eating away at me...