Monday, April 20, 2009

One quick note before bed ...

The boy I showed you yesterday, trying to skateboard down a hill in barefeet and bathing suit w/ a garbage can full of water...yeah that one ... well he came to me tonight and asked:

"Hey Mom, when is the sun going away?"
to which I replied, "What??"

and he repeated the question, "When is the sun going away?"
to which I replied, "Son, I heard you but what the HELL are you talking about?"

(as I laughed waiting for him to tell me there was going to be an eclipse or something new he learned at school)

but alas ....

"Yeah, it's too hot out, when is it gonna rain?"

..... and that's all it took, I totally laughed my ass off ..... and pulled up the 7 day forecast and said "Thursday".

Phew ...